Thursday, May 14, 2009


From Manila 2008 to Athens 2009,

join Migrants and Refugees speak in their own behalf!

Join us again in the

Second International Assembly of Migrants and Refugees (IAMR 2)

in Athens, Greece (October 31- November 3, 2009)

(This is a migrant and refugee assembly in conjunction with the Global Forum on Migration and Development slated in Athens, Greece on Nov. 2-5, 2009)

Theme (tentative):

Strengthen the Unity of Migrants and Refugees in Upholding

and Defending Their Rights Amidst the Current Global Economic Crisis”

Topics for Workshops (proposed):

1) Global Economic Crisis and Migrants

2) EU Fortress Policy

3) Human Trafficking

4) Migrants, Trade Unions and Social Movements

5) Political Refugees and Asylum

6) Undocumented/Irregular Migrants

7) Racism, Xenophobia and Discrimination

8) War on Terror and Migrants and Refugees

9) Second-generation Migrants

10) Engaging the UN and other International Bodies

Defend and advance the rights and welfare of migrants and refugees!

Self-reliant development to end poverty!

End forced migration, create jobs at home!

No to neoliberal globalization!

Contact the IAMR2 Athens Secretariat at:

Grace Punongbayan

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Visit our Website:

Convenors: International Migrants' Alliance (IMA)-Asia-Pacific Mission for Migrants (APMM), IBON International, Class March (Greece), ATIK, Migrante Europe (The Netherlands)

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